Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The fierce waves in Pontian

After we're done at south Pontian we next went to the main town at Pontian Kechil...

Like Kukup it is situated besides the Straits of Melaka but the town is much bigger...

From the sea-side one could see the Indonesian island of Karimun far towards the south...

Closer to the west lies the Malaysian island of Pulau Pisang.

We then headed towards another part of town...

This part also lies beside the waters but it has a number of foodstalls...

It is not far from the main bus station.

As I came in to park I noticed the waves here looked much fiercer...

This prompts me to have a closer look...

The waves were so fierce that it practically 'jump' into the land!

There, at last managed to catch a 'jump' in action...

Better still, I decided to tape the next ones on video. Later did I learned that such fierces waves came only in a period of one to two days every year. So there... for the record this is the 242nd article in this blogspot.

p/s : Correction made 7th July 2014. I was searching for the 424th article in this blogspot but had trouble finding it. After checking in detail list of articles this turns out to be the one. After reading through the article then I knew the cause of the trouble... I had pointed it out as the 242nd article. Sheessshhh... :]

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