Friday, March 05, 2010

Bukit (Hill of) Supai at dusk...

Continued from The floating restaurant at Kuala Linggi .

From the floating restaurant one could easily see the small hill called Bukit Supai...

So while waiting for our meal to be served I decided to pay a visit...

Here's a look to the left as I was about to climb up the steps...

A look towards the floating restaurant from the top of the staircase...

On to the top of Bukit Supai. Note the pair of cannons waiting...

At one side of the hill facing the Linggi river mouth is an old tomb, I don't know belonging to who...

On top lies a fort which used to be operated by the Dutch more than 200 years ago...

I understand it was once opened and operated by the Bugis Malays before the Dutch took over...

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