Wednesday, May 26, 2010

From Gemas to Jerantut

After sometime waiting in Gemas it's time to get onboard the train heading for the East Coast.

For the record this train started from Singapura. It seems there's more passenger in this one maybe because it was already daytime...

We soon reached the town of Bahau, also in the state of Negeri Sembilan.

Ah. There is its cute station. Have a look at the earlier article The unique station at Bahau.

Next stop is Kemayan which is in the state of Pahang.

Then it's Triang.

After that we came to the first main town of Pahang along the route, Mentakab. For the record Mentakab lies near the main road from Kuala Lumpur to Pahang's capital, Kuantan...

Next is Kuala Krau which the maps show as the stop nearest to the river Pahang.

While the tracks from Triang and on are actually laid along the Pahang river, I just could not catch a glimpse of the river from this train.

We next passed through the small station at Jenderak.

Then it's Jerantut where lies another main station along this route.

For Jerantut is the main gateway to get into Taman Negara, the Malaysian national park famous for its virgin rainforest jungle said to be millions of years old!

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