Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kuala Lipis to Gua Musang...

And so we arrived at Kuala Lipis.

Being a major station on the East Coast route there's many people coming down to be replaced by those coming up...

Thus there is a long stop here...

This allowed me to go on around and take this picture of town from inside the station.

Next comes this stop.

It is at a place called Padang Tengku.

Then there's small stations like this...

Welcome to Chegar Perah a name you could hardly find on maps.

Note that along the route after Kuala Lipis could be found many limestone hills...

Soon we arrived at another small station...

But in a sense, this one at Merapoh could be considered a major stop.

This is because in Pahang, it is the other gateway to get into Taman Negara, the National Park. In fact this is the closest point to reach and climb Gunung (mount) Tahan, which at around 7,200 feet high is the highest mountain in Peninsular Malaysia.

Another major stop is Gua Musang which is after Merapoh.

This is the biggest town at inland Kelantan and our train is supposed to end its trip here.

Anyway the words Gua Musang literally mean "Caves of foxes". This town is surrounded by limestone hills like this one situated right in front of the train station and its caves used to have many foxes. At least that is what the locals said...

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