Friday, June 25, 2010

Enter Padang Besar, gateway to Thailand

The view soon gave way to containers, loads of it...

Next, one could also see a number of parked locomotives, a sure sign we are approaching a major station.

Welcome to Padang Besar station...

This is where the Thai railways meets its counterpart in Malaysia...

First we have to pass the Malaysian immigration checkpoint.

A look to the south outside the station and you could see the limestones of Perlis as featured in the previous article.

Here's our line-up at the Thai immigration checkpoint.

Interesting is the notice to put some in place...

Now that the immigrations checks are done we have to wait for our train. I decided to have a look from the top floor of the's one towards the south

Here's one towards Thailand...

And here's our train ready to continue the foray.

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