Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cooling down at Ulu Licin

Continued from Lumut's mangrove park...

After Lumut we went to Beruas. We visited a mosque, some old tombs and then the museum there before deciding to check out something else into the jungle...

This is a route I've never ever taken before...

A few kilometres north of the small town of Beruas and you are entering the Gunung (Mount) Bubu forest reserve...

Go on straight till the signboard shows you are entering a dead end...

Welcome to the recreational forest of Ulu Licin, Beruas...

There's a stream called the river of Licin, licin being the Malay word for slippery. Ulu Licin simply means upriver Licin....

Apparently it's quite a popular picnic place for locals.

That's our car with the wife walking out. We decided to park as deep inside as possible...

Afterwards the road is only big enough for motorcycles...

We turned right and walked towards a small waterfall.

And then find a nice spot to cool down...

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