Saturday, July 17, 2010

The river Bernam from Sabak Bernam

OK. This is the jetty at the town of Sabak Bernam, the biggest urbanised area around this perimeter...

Like the one at Sungai Air Tawar, it is also used to cross the Bernam river.

However Sabak Bernam is located some 17 km further inland...

Exactly opposite across is a village called Kampung Kota in Perak. Once upon a time the district of Bernam was an independent state and Kampung Kota was the capital, that is before it was absorbed into Selangor.

A look towards the sea which should be about 30 km downriver. Compare with the pictures in The Bernam river from Sungai Air Tawar. For the record this is the 535th article in this blogspot.

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