Friday, July 02, 2010

Taiping and its station...

OK. Continued from The lake called Tasik Bukit Merah.

Soon we could see a range of mountains, the most prominent one being Bukit (hill of) Larut, also known by the English name Maxwell Hill. Although it is called a hill, its height said to be 1036 metres from sea level (about 3,400 feet) qualifies it to be mountain albeit a short one...

Next stop is the Taiping station...

It serve the town of Taiping, situated at the foot of Bukit Larut.

Oh. Talking about Taiping reminds me of an old article did a few years back. Have a look at Taiping to Kuala Kangsar... A dangerous look at Malaysian history.

A look at the hills (or mountains) as we left town...

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