Thursday, August 26, 2010

Climbing Bukit Treh with the wife and baby

OK. Time to churn out more supporting articles for the stories on Muar also running in the blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU.

Sunday morning 15th August 2010. I brought the wife and baby to climb a small hill called Bukit Treh not far from my mum's house in Muar.

For the record, I have climbed this hill many times. But it is the first time for wife and baby...

As it turned out the path was blocked by a falling tree.

We had to find alternative by climbing down a slope...

Then climbing back again from further ahead.

Look at the tree which blocked our way. Oh, if you can't see baby, it is because he was strapped on my side...

Soon we could see some steps albeit covered by grass.

This is a view down from the steps... you could see part of a water treatmen plant complex.

The climb continued...

This gate indicates we were already close to the top.

There's an abandoned water storage facility from the British colonial days.

At last my wife and baby could say they have arrived... :]

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