Monday, September 27, 2010

Mouth of the Kesang river

OK. More Raya stories. Well, sort of...

On the 4th day of Raya it's time to leave Muar to return back home to Bandar Tasik Puteri in Rawang. Taking the old trunk road to Melaka we then veered into the parallel coastal road. That's when we saw a rural turn and decided to take it...

If my estimation is right this should take us towards the mouth of the river Kesang...

Soon enough we could see the river.

Mind you the Kesang river is the natural boundary between the states of Johor and Melaka. The mouth should be slightly further down the road.

We took the road until a dead end.

A look upriver...

A look downriver and you can see the Kesang river mouth...


  1. Sri Seroja : Saya tinggal di Kesang, tetapi tidak pernah ke kuala Sungai Kesang. Terima kasih dengan perkongsiannya.

  2. Saya suka baca blog saudara.Pertama kerana saya sendiri sedang mencari bahan bersejarah tentang keluarga saya yang penuh misteri.Saudara mara saya ramai di Kesang Tasik,tetapi dah lama terputus hubungan lantaran generasi muda yang tidak kisah nak meneguhkan persaudaraan.Sungai kesang ini mengalir juga di Teluk Rimba dimana saya diberitahu bahawa pusara moyang saya disemadikan ditebingnya.Setiapkali melihat sungai ini hati saya sering berkata banyaknya ia memendam rahsia....
