Friday, October 01, 2010

Attending the Nikah (solemnisation) ceremony of a cousin

On the second week of Raya I attended the solemnisation ceremony of a cousin at Taman Tun.

It was on Friday night 17th September 2010 but under the Islamic calendar it is considered the night of Saturday as under its system a new day begans after dusk as opposed to the Gregorian system where a new day starts after 12 midnight.

Guests and members of both the bride and groom taking their places...

Soon everyone was in place.

My dad as leader of the groom's entourage opening up with some words as per the Malay tradition...

Next come the time for the actual solemnisation.

Everyone watching in suspense as the right words must be uttered by the groom with one breath, every word audible without hesitation to those nearby. Otherwise the process must be repeated until he gets it right... that or you might as well not get married...

Suffice to say he finally gets it right, hehe... :]

And the rest of us can get on to dinner. Note that this is the 575th article in this blogspot.

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