Monday, October 25, 2010

The lake I've just discovered near my house....

Making excursion from the Brunei stories... again...

Today at noon I went to a certain place just a kilometre away from my house.

It is just only a week ago or so that I noticed there's a big lake around...

Funny. I've been plying the nearby road from Bandar Tasik Puteri to Batu Arang the last 2 years but only recently noticed the lake, even then after my wife saw it first...

Zoom in. Later that night I checked using Google Earth and confirmed that there's indeed a big lake here...

Now time to find a way to get in near...

As you can see in the earlier pictures, the nearby area is swampy. So I have to find a more solid route to get inside...

Luckily I could find one nearby...

Then I found a part with plenty of yellow discoloured rocks...

Is it possible the rocks are actually ruins from some sort of ancient stone building?

Anyway as I pressed on I found another access...

There's a sandy road which should be able to connect to the nearby main road, albeit from a further junction.

I followed the route to get in deeper.

Soon, the lake is in sight...

Ah. How could I not noticed such a big lake like in the vicinity of my house before?

Mind you, the lake is more than 300 metres wide...

And it stretches almost a kilometre long with one end just about 500 metres from my house!


  1. Assalamualaikum, saya dah lama beli buku tuan. tapi yang ketiga tu tak jumpa di kedai.

    saya dah tak berapa ingat jalan ceritanya, apa yang saya ingat ialah cerita tu memang hebat. syabas..

  2. Wassalam.Terima kasih. Kalau mahu buku ketiga tu boleh beli secara pos daripada saya RM30 + pos ekpress. Panduan ada di sini...
