Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The old railway bridge at Teluk Intan

Still on Perak. Continued from The vast freshwater lake at Sungkai.

Next day, after spending the night at a hotel in Teluk Intan we headed northwards and dropped by at this bridge.

The bridge crosses the river Bidor, a main river which pours into the larger Perak river. Once upon a time Teluk Intan was the main port for exporting tin to outside of Perak, mined mainly from the Kinta valley (which contains Ipoh). This bridge was part of a connecting rail network. If I'm not mistaken the railway went to Tapah Road before heading to Ipoh and vice versa.

Nowadays the railway up to Tapah Road is not in operation Perhaps there's parts still used at times to transport palm oil produce but that's about it. As far as this bridge is concerned, the railings have all been removed. The bridge then is used by pedestrian and motorcyclist as short cut. Otherwise one have to use the main bridge about a kilometre further, a route which makes the journey to Teluk Intan 3 km longer.

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