Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Views from the jetty at Muara

Next we went to the ferry jetty complex at Muara, a small town which lies at one end of the Brunei border.

It is located at a part of the Brunei bay which meets the Brunei river.

Officially the Brunei river has its mouth about 13 km south from here, slightly off Pulau Chermin (look at The island called Pulau Chermin). But the way the Brunei bay is formed with a sub-bay around made these parts look like it is still part of the Brunei river, a very wide part that is...

Directly across the jetty lies an island.

To the north lies another island creating a small opening to the open wide waters of the South China Sea. And on the left of the opening is an embankment from which I had viewed the waters around the day before. See Mouth of the Brunei bay/sub-bay?. For the record this is the 600th article in this blogspot.

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