Thursday, December 23, 2010

The bride's wedding reception in Singapura

OK. Continuing the stories on the trip made by train to Singapura over a month ago...

Sunday 14th November 2010 came the wedding reception day. As customary among the Malay community a reception is held first at the bride's place. The groom's party have to make the trip there and here we were...

While the groom was driven in a car some like me followed in the bus provided. Upon arrival we immediately positioned ourselves as per the custom...

Once that's done we started moving with the accompanying pomp, in this case lead by a kuda kepang entourage, a traditional horse dance group followed by a kompang troupe playing a kind of hand-held drums.

Entering the reception place...

The reception was held at the local high-rise community hall, a normal practice in the compact island republic of Singapura.

The groom's party all lined up to enter...

Soon we were in as the groom joined his bride to make way up the pedestal.

The kuda kepang entourage and kompang troupe continued with their show.

This was followed by some silat performance, the Malay martial arts and a few other formalities before the bride and groom could come down and have their meal.

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