Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bringing the family to the place designated as Padang (field of) Tok Sheikh

Continuing from The well of Tok Sheikh.

The journey was continued uphill.

At a bend close to the summit of Gunung Jerai we stopped and parked the car.

There's a place I wanted to bring the family to...

To get there you have to walk up this path.

The path gave way to an opening.

The opening has stony ground...

Welcome to the place designated as Padang or field of Tok Sheikh.

Besides is a monument which if I'm not mistaken marks the location of an ancient mosque...

The 'field' covers parts downhill.

Want to know why I said this place is designated as Padang Tok Sheikh, why not say it outright?

To understand read the old article Views on top of Gunung Jerai... Enter Padang Tok Sheikh. Is it?.

It was made 3 years ago. Then there's no such concrete walls here...

Meanwhile let the family enjoy this place in quiet joy. I love you very much wife. Thank you for giving me the boy which I have always wanted the last 10 years! For the record this is their first time ever at Gunung Jerai. Baby Muhammad Al-Aminul Rasyid was then only 10 months. :]

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