Monday, January 31, 2011

Going through the rain for a good look at the river in mid-town Kelang

And here's something to add to the "Fascination for rivers" section...

After climbing up the stairs at Jugra (look at The stairs up Bukit (hill of) Jugra), I went to the town of Kelang (also spelt Klang) to visit a few places before heading for one final mission there.

It was drizzling quite bad and my mission required me to walk quite a distance ahead.

Luckily they have this covered walkway...

With that I could at least walk all the way up this bridge...

What for? To get a good glimpse of the part of the Kelang river which rans through the town of Kelang.

Despite having passed here or either the other bridge seen in front many times I have yet to capture the relevant pictures...

Well here's a good look towards upriver.

This zoom downriver should be enough to show how the river Kelang looks at some 18 km through a few bends from the mouth. Compare to the scene in the middle of Kuala Lumpur city. Do look at the article Kelang river at Kuala Lumpur city centre.

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