Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The little 'hill' recently discovered in Kuala Selangor

The final piece for the current bout of 'idle January' stories...

Last Sunday, after a visit to a friend's house, me and family went up the hill of Bukit Melawati in Kuala Selangor. It was almost dusk and I just wanted to enjoy the view. I was admiring the scenery of the river Selangor opening into the Straits of Melaka when I felt like looking more to the right to see (yet again...) how the smaller hill called Bukit Keramat (if I recall correctly) blend into the surroundings.

Look at the article Kota (Fort of) Tanjung Keramat in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART). See how that hill looks quite big when you are looking up from its foot. Notice the growth on the left centre of the picture above. That's the hill I'm talking about. That's how it looks from the much bigger and higher Bukit Melawati.

You see I have this habit of comparing actual landscape to what's seen on the maps, making comparisons of places from different angles and viewpoints to see how it all adds up. Mind you if I don't know there's a hill there I would have thought it is just the growths from a cluster of tall trees. On the other hand I noticed slightly right to the centre what seems like a small hill. Having seen such small hills before and mistaking it for trees that set me wondering how come I've never seen this hill before when the fact is I have been up Bukit Melawati studying the view around many many times apart from going around the area seen down there.

Astonishingly I saw the small hill again as I stepped back into the car. I don't how but I have unwittingly positioned the car in a way I could directly see it from inside. Notice the part enclosed by the contour of the growth and cannon?

Let me zoom in on that part. Taken from the same picture pay attention to how the hill fits into the closed area created by the growth and cannon. I'm sure you'll agree with me that if I were to park the car in any other way, just a slight turn of angle and such and the hill would have been obscured behind either the growth, the cannon or the wall. I take this as a sign to go down there and find the hill.

After going around comparing trees and buildings down there with the picture taken I at last found the hill. Well, it is not actually a hill but a tall and wide jungle tree situated within the compounds of a hotel. It was the heavy canopy on top that makes it looks like a small hill from afar.

Then again it is an astounding majestic tree. I couldn't catch it with all its natural splendour on camera when it was already dark but I could tell you this... it is one of the most impressive tree I've seen my whole life. And being an avid jungle trekker with a hobby of climbing tall trees when I was younger, I've seen plenty of trees.

While it is not a hill at all there must be a reason I noticed it after some 2 years making regular visits to Kuala Selangor. There must be a story behind this tree, a story that would unfold in time. Otherwise how could I suddenly found a strong urge to look to the right when I was cosily enjoying the view of the Selangor river, an urge that would lead to the discovery of the 'hill'? And when I noticed it, how could I have parked the car in such a way that it could directly be seen from inside when the objects in front could have easily obscured the view? How could the 'hill' appear inside a box or inset created by natural objects? What are the chances of anyone parking a car, noticing an object later and find it directly visible from inside the car with such a small margin of error? Hmm...

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