Another place I revisited is the tomb of a person simply known as Tok Soh.
Again, while I have visited the tomb 2 or 3 times, perhaps more, it is the first for the wife and baby.
The authorities simply say, based on the elaborate carvings of the tombstones Tok Soh must be a person of much importance a long time ago. However certain parties claim Tok Soh was a female descendant of Prophet Muhammad SAW who married an ancient powerful king more than 1,200 years ago!
While that could partly be true the parties' assumption on the identity of Tok Soh begs a lot of question. For one they claimed she came from the Hadramaut Al-Jefri family while as far as I know that family only came into being about 200 years after Tok Soh allegedly came into the seen in the 8th century AD. Look at my old writings in the article Makam Tok Soh di Kedah dan kaitannya dengan Merong Mahawangsa (The tomb of Tok Soh in Kedah and its relation to Merong Mahawangsa)... made in the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) 3 years ago.
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