Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The trip up Gunung (mount) Jerai

Greeting everyone. Last Thursday I have presented a number of articles showing the route taken and places visited as me, wife and baby entered Kedah from Perak via Selama on to Kulim and Sungai Petani. So let us continue from there...

After Sungai Petani we reached the town of Gurun. After its northern end we started taking this route.

It is a winding and climbing road to get to the top of Gunung Jerai. The peak of the tallest mountain in Kedah should be 12 km ahead.

It is practically a countdown as we went up further.

As I negotiated the sharp bends memory of the time I walked alone up the same road at night came to mind.

At times it felt scary as Gunung Jerai is known for having many supernatural beings that could well be ghostly.

Anyway I survived the ordeal and spent the night on top. Here the view starts to get blurry as I snapped pictures while driving faster, much faster.

You see, the wife was getting tired of me taking sweet my time to snap pictures. And I myself haven't slept for the last 24 hours... need to get on top before I can rest.

This signboard denotes we were almost there.

There's a recreational jungle...

There's alsoa forestry museum.

But it was still more than a kilometre to target...

Final countdown.

There... we're on top. Watch out for the views in the next posting.

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