Saturday, March 05, 2011

Baby Al-Rasyid at the Selangor royal mausoleum, Bukit Melawati

Making another round of excursions between the northern trip stories...

The recent Wednesday me and family went up Bukit (hill of) Melawati in Kuala Selangor again and visited the Selangor royal mausoleum.

It is the first time me and wife brought baby Al-Rasyid here.

For information here lies the tombs of Selangor's first three Sultans...

Check how the tombs are positioned...

The royal mausoleum which lies on one side of Bukit Melawati overlooks the Kuala Selangor old town.

You could see a number of graves outside the main building still within the compounds of the royal mausoleum.

Entrance to the main building.

Al-Rasyid somehow found these grounds calming. He was seen standing, sitting in fact lying on the grass quietly with a serene face that seems to indicate he was happily feeling around a peaceful aura...

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