Thursday, April 07, 2011

The hillside resort called Saufiville

Greeting earthlings. I'm going to start a new series in my Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU soon based on my most recent trip to the East Coast made at the end of 2010. As usual this blogspot will host some supporting articles. But before that let me make a number of articles based on my 2-3 most recent trips, small trips that is...

Nearly 2 weeks ago I went again to the highlands area called Janda Baik in Pahang. This time I also went up to this bungalow.

Now, the bungalow itself might not look so remarkable. What is remarkable to me are the vistas hinted by this picture taken at one side.

To really know what I mean you'd better get inside first. Oh, by the way this bungalow is actually a small hill resort owned by private individuals and it is called the Saufiville.

As you walked inside to get outside towards the pool, the superb view available begans to unfold.

A look to the right.

A look ahead.

A look to the right.

I've first savoured the views here while walking around exploring the hillside sometime in 2005 if I remember correctly. Back then the resort was under construction and I thought it was meant to be a house of the owner/owners of a nearby vegetable plantation.

When it was completed I still thought it was just a private home. Then I was invited to a wedding up here. That's when I found out it is a resort. Well... it's probably originally intended to be a private home, and then the owners realised it has the potential to be turned into a resort. Look at the article A wedding on top a hill in Janda Baik made end of 2009.

For one this is the highest located building in Janda Baik. And the whole of Janda Baik is already located quite high up the hills.

I must say this place provides the best overall views in Janda Baik I've seen so far. Kudos to the owners... :]

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