Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Muar river from Pagoh to Grisek

  From the old mosque of Olak Sepam I followed a rural road which follows the curve of the Muar river. I took the downriver direction. About 1.5 km after it starts to turn inland. That's when I decided to have a look at the Muar river from that part.

A look upriver...

A look across.

A look downriver.

Further downriver lies the small town of Panchor

Here's how the Muar river looks like upriver from here.

A look across.

A look downriver.

I went further downriver and took a bridge across the Muar river on to the small town of Grisek.

Again I took shots of the Muar river for comparison.

A look upriver from Grisek.

A look across.

  A look downriver.

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