Friday, April 15, 2011

The road from Simpang Pulai to Cameron Highlands

Peace be upon you all folks. After almost 4 months having the pictures in store it's time to start a new series for the Malay blogspot CATATAN SI MERAH SILU based on me and the family's trip to the East Coast end of 2010. As usual supporting articles would be made in this blogspot and this one is the opener...

Just before noon 25th December 2010, Christmas Day, me, wife and baby left our house at Bandar Tasik Puteri, Rawang, Selangor for the open road. Our destination was the East Coast. But I wanted to get there via Ipoh, through a road or rather a highway which starts at Simpang Pulai, at the outskirts of the Perak capital.

The road passes through a part of Cameron Highlands called Kampung Raja. Then it goes on to Gua Musang, the main town in inland Kelantan.

As it is a climb up the main range of mountains called Banjaran Titiwangsa, you can aspect a lot of bends and turns.

For the record the area called Cameron Highlands is located at a top part of the range. Elevation ranges from 4,000 feet to 6,000 feet plus above sea level.

If I'm not mistaken this road or highway has been opened for up to a decade now.

But it used to be closed quite often because of landslides. I understand now the authorities have managed to keep it under control to make the road open most of the time.

As for me, this is the first time ever I took this route.

Since it was opened I have vowed to one day go through here by whatever means savouring the views to be expected up the mountain route.

Well here with thesw pictures, you can't really get the real feel of it as I was driving while at times taking pictures. So I have to concentrate on what's up ahead missing the fuller view which one could get at the sides.

You see, with steady hands and good control of the steering you can snap decent pictures of the view ahead. But try taking that of the sides and chances are your pictures would be blurred as your car speeds away.

I believe this is a seasonal waterfall created after rain at the upper parts.

Here we were approcahing what is declared as a foggy area. So always be alert...

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