Thursday, May 19, 2011

The beach at Bukit Keluang

From Jerteh we went through Kampung Raja to get to a place called Bukit Keluang (also spelt Kluang).

Bukit Keluang (bukit means hill) is a seaside hill meaning there should be a beach nearby.

We arrived here after heavy rain. For the record this is the third time I arrived with the wife.

We first got here in the dark more than 2 years. Then there were only the two of us. We arrived the second time in August 2007 and that was at dusk. Along with us were my two stepkids. The wife then was more than 7 months pregnant with our baby.

This new visit is the first time we arrived when the daylight is still abundance, that is around 6 pm. And this time we have baby Al-Rasyid too (a year and two months old then). Seen here is a small waterfall formed after the heavy downpour...

Now on to the beach.

The waves and current looked very strong. So we just watched.

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