Friday, May 20, 2011

The kids' turn to enjoy the embankment at Tok Bali

Continued from Morning walk at Tok Bali river estuary.

Some time after noon the family were ready to enjoy the scene out.

It's not that they didn't go out in the morning. It's just in the afternoon our stuffs were all ready wrapped up for us to check out.

But before we leave Tok Bali let us all together walk till the end of the embankment.

Even then one year and two months old baby Al-Rasyid could make it with a little help. Yes. He did walk and at some parts all by himself...

The two brothers Haziq and Rasyid sitting together.

A family picture.. minus me of course. Someone has to operate the camera.

A look at the bridge from the tower.

We spent sometime just sitting or going around enjoying the views.

And finally. Me in the picture...

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