Monday, May 09, 2011

Special treat at the tomb of Habib Nuh

OK. Time to make excursions. This is from a short trip to the south made just over a week ago.

On Saturday 31st April I brought the family for short round of the island state of Singapura (Singapore). We visited again the tomb of Habib Nuh.

However we earlier got lost for more than 2 hours. After going to another place in Bukit Timah first, we wanted to go straight here but kept getting into the wrong roads and exits. So we arrived after Isyaq (time for the night prayers) and the door to the tomb was closed.

Never mind, we didn't despair. We visited the tomb of Sayyid Abdul Rahman Al-Habshi first, said to be Habib Nuh's nephew.

It is located just outside the main part of the tomb building, at a rather open area.

After combining Maghrib (dusk time) prayers along with that of Isyaq as allowed for Muslims on long trips, at the mosque downstairs I went up and found Habib Nuh's tomb already opened.

Even better there was a group coming up and they did some zikir, utterances of remembrance of Allah according to certain formulas.

They did it for quite some time. I think this is the best and longest I've ever spent at the tomb of Habib Nuh and I really loved it. For the record Habib Nuh was an eccentric person of saintly status living in the days of the English's early colonisation of Singapura early 19th century AD. He is a descendant of Prophet Muhammad SAW and was famous for conjuring up miracles. Below is a video clip showing parts of the start of the proceedings...

The top of Habib Nuh's tomb.

1 comment:

  1. Qasidah ziarah orang soleh....

    SalamUllah ya sadat min Arrahman yakhsyakuum...
