Thursday, June 23, 2011

A close look at the Ulu Selangor dam

Continued from Ulu Selangor dam information centre.

Actually before entering the information centre I went around outside.

This is the first time I had such a close look at this dam (I think I've seen 2-3 other dams up close before) and I was rather excited.

So excited that I ignored this signboard.

It's not like I wanted to dive or anything, just wanted to get a better perspective of the surroundings. A look to the right.

A look ahead.

A look to the left.

Turn anti-clockwise some more and you can see the actual dam and where the water passes out to rejoin the actual and original river, Sungai (river of) Selangor.

The information centre on the other hand lies on top a hill overlooking the reservoir.

After looking at what's inside, I went outside to check out the view in front of the centre.

A look to the right.

A look ahead.

A look to the left. That should do it.

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