Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Tomb of Tok Kenali revisited

Peace be upon you all. After 9 days of hiatus let's continue again with the storytelling on the trip to/in the East Coast end of 2010.

Thursday morning 30th December 2010. After having a nice sleep at a mosque in Kubang Kerian, Kota Bahru we went to this nearby Muslim graveyard.

We want to visit this building.

It is surrounded by plenty of graves...

Entering the building.

Welcome to the tomb of the famous Kelantan religious master and saint Tok Kenali. Having passed away about 80 years ago he used to conduct classes making the state a focal point for Muslim students from all over South-East Asia.

Oh. His tomb is the one marked by the rather round river stones. Next lies the tomb of his wife.

Then there' s the tomb of his family members. Tok Kenali is still a very well-respected name and his family still looked up to. By the way the mosque we slept at is the mosque of Tok Kenali built by his son in an area where the saint used to run his traditional Islamic learning school.


  1. Assalamualaikum ...

    Tuan merah silu...

    Minta maaf byk2.. sedikit teguran dari ambo orang kelantan... adalah terlebih molek jika bergambar disisi makam dgn tidak membelakangi secara total ... sebaik2nya bergambar dgn duduk disisi kerana manjaga adab...

    Apatah lagi jika duduk atau pijak di atas keranda.

    terima kasih

  2. Wassalam. Tak mengapa. Teguran diterima. Cuma mungkin saudara tak faham keadaan walaupun saudara orang Kelantan. Orang yang tidak ada kena mengena mungkin nampak kurang ajar duduk begitu. Tetapi apabila yang duduk itu cucu2 di sisi datuknya, siapa pula berhak berkata apa2 melainkan datuknya sendiri tak berkenan?
