Saturday, July 02, 2011

The Batik cottage industry at village of Tok Panjang

Further upriver towards the main road to Pantai Cahaya Bulan lies a small road into the village of Tok Panjang.

We came in here to look for the tomb of the person known as Tok Panjang (literally the long elder, either referring to his extraordinary height or length of his tomb) but found workshops like this instead.

We stopped at one to see what was actually worked on.

Ah. They make traditional Batik clothes here.

Well, I guess we got a tour of sorts. I can't remember if I've been to any Batik workshop before. In a sense it is a treat for the family too.

Here, you get to look firsthand at how the beautiful batik clothes are made.

For a closer look at the patterns look at the article Original colours of Batik made half a year ago.

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