Sunday, August 28, 2011

Pahang river somewhere near Kampung Pejing

From Lake Chini we took the trunk road leading west. At many parts the road practically follows the twists, turns and straights of the Pahang river and at times it is very close.

Having made this trip 7 months ago it is hard for me to remember where exactly these pictures were taken if not for a fact that a previous picture shows we stopped to eat at a place called Kampung (village of) Pejing which I understand is within the district of Maran.

A check with Google Earth also confirmed this. The river goes straight for a distance with the road very close to it just after an area marked as Kampung Pejing.

While I did catch views of the Pahang river from a number of places along this route I think this part offers the best and closest view.

A look to the left or downriver.

A look across.

A look upriver.

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