Saturday, December 03, 2011

The boat ride from Tuk-tuk to Parapat

Greetings earthlings. In the previous article on this blogspot, The place where Samosir island meets the mainland I've said this : "God willing I will show some really nice pictures in my next round of postings, pictures taken as we left Samosir by boat to get to Parapat Saturday afternoon." Well. Now comes that next round. So feast your eyes...

Saturday 5th November 2011. Came the time for us to leave Tuk-tuk and the island of Samosir.

It's a fine beautiful day as we looked around waiting for our boat.

There, that's the boat.

Soon we're on board.

OK. When we entered the island 2 days before, it was already dark. So we didn't get to see the scenery.

Saturday was different. We came out at noon and the day was nice albeit a bit cloudy. The vista was really open... wide open and certainly eye-opening.

There. Just look at the mountains of Samosir island as we left.

But the boat was not ready to fully leave the island yet. Instead it stopped at a different part of Tuk-tuk to pick up passengers.

Now we're leaving.

After some time we could clearly see the town of Parapat on the mainland.

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