Saturday, April 09, 2011

Masjid (Mosque of) Kampung Keling, Melaka at night

Sometime in evening we left Muar and stopped by in the city of Melaka. After visiting 2-3 places I went to the mosque of Kampung Keling.

Actually I needed to use the restroom. So I stepped into the compound as the wife and baby waited in the car outside.

Now I rarely visit this mosque as I prefer another one, Masjid Kampung Hulu not far from here. So this is a rare visit and since I was already there why not take pictures?

So I stepped into the mosque first.

I must say it is quite a beauty...

The fountain outside left.
View from outside the restroom. For the record this is the 717th article in this blogspot.

The Muar river from Pagoh to Grisek

  From the old mosque of Olak Sepam I followed a rural road which follows the curve of the Muar river. I took the downriver direction. About 1.5 km after it starts to turn inland. That's when I decided to have a look at the Muar river from that part.

A look upriver...

A look across.

A look downriver.

Further downriver lies the small town of Panchor

Here's how the Muar river looks like upriver from here.

A look across.

A look downriver.

I went further downriver and took a bridge across the Muar river on to the small town of Grisek.

Again I took shots of the Muar river for comparison.

A look upriver from Grisek.

A look across.

  A look downriver.

Revisiting the old mosque of Olak Sepam

Continued from The tomb of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah of Melaka revisited.

From the tomb of Sultan Alauddin it is only 3 km to this old mosque at Olak Sepam.

So I brought the wife and baby to have a look.
I'm not sure if it is still in use.

I think it has been gazetted as a heritage building.

Section under the centre of the roof.

The mihrab or front-most section.

At the rear is a simple steel staircase.

It leads up to a section on top.

There, a good view of the Muar river behind...

Friday, April 08, 2011

The tomb of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah of Melaka revisited

Continued from Muar's very own Uptown.

The next day we visited a certain place in Pagoh which is still part of Muar. There is this information plaque.

That plaque basically contains the same information as the older one erected close by decades ago.

It say about the existence of the tomb of a Melaka Sultan who passed away more than 500 years ago.

This is it the tomb of the Melaka ruler called Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah.

His is the only Melaka Sultan tomb still in existence in Malaysia.

Baby Al-Rasyid looking at the old plaque.

Muar's very own Uptown

After making a number of stops I arrived in Muar at noon. At night I brought the wife and baby around and saw one street being closed to traffic for hawkers to sell their wares.

I understand they've been doing this for the last one year or so.

They are just following a concept which has become popular in Malaysia over the years. A street in the middle of town is closed for a certain duration for night market.

The concept originated at a place called Uptown in Damansara Utama, Kuala Lumpur. Thus it became known as Uptown albeit at different places, Uptown Wangsa Maju, Uptown Gombak and such...

Mosque of Raja Alang in Beranang revisited

This one is from last weekend...

Early Saturday morning I took the old trunk road to the south and made a stop at the Mosque of Raja Alang in Beranang.

Just look at the design of the mosque. It has a certain fairy-tale like quality to it.

Now let's see what's inside.

There are a few layers of gates intricately decorated with verses from the holy book Al-Quran.

Entering the main praying hall.

Looks like preparations were being made for a lecture or the likes...