Friday, May 20, 2011

A look at Sungai Pengkalan Datu

Continued from A brief look at Pantai Irama.

From Bachok I followed the main road along the coast up north until it began to turn to the west. That's when I saw a rather big river near the roadside and decided to have a closer look.

A look downriver. From maps and satellite pictures in Google Earth I found out the river flows out to the South China Sea from a place called Pantai (beach of) Sabak.

However I couldn't find its name in the maps.

But I could see that it passed a place called Pengkalan Datu which I understand has much historical significants and surmised its name as Sungai Pengkalan Datu. I then googled that name and found some results although not a clear map showing the river as Sungai Pengkalan Datu. So there. For the record this is the 787th article in this blogspot.

p/s: Later I found and had a closer look at a rather detailed map and found this river is indeed called Sungai Pengkalan Datu.

A brief look at Pantai Irama

Continued from The kids' turn to enjoy the embankment at Tok Bali.

From Tok Bali we headed north towards Bachok where lies the beach called Pantai Irama.

More than 2 years ago I have written an article called Enjoying the waters at Pantai Irama, Bachok... with the family!. Well that was at a different part of the beach.

This part is closer to the town of Bachok.

We were just stopping for lunch and I took the opportunity to snap some pictures. The rest waited for their meals to be ready at a stall nearby...

The kids' turn to enjoy the embankment at Tok Bali

Continued from Morning walk at Tok Bali river estuary.

Some time after noon the family were ready to enjoy the scene out.

It's not that they didn't go out in the morning. It's just in the afternoon our stuffs were all ready wrapped up for us to check out.

But before we leave Tok Bali let us all together walk till the end of the embankment.

Even then one year and two months old baby Al-Rasyid could make it with a little help. Yes. He did walk and at some parts all by himself...

The two brothers Haziq and Rasyid sitting together.

A family picture.. minus me of course. Someone has to operate the camera.

A look at the bridge from the tower.

We spent sometime just sitting or going around enjoying the views.

And finally. Me in the picture...

Morning walk at Tok Bali river estuary

Time to start the stories of the 5th day of travel to the East Coast end of 2010.

Wednesday morning 29th December 2010 I started a morning walk near the beach of Tok Bali.

If the previous day we have seen Bukit Keluang in Besut, Terengganu we then had dinner in Kuala Besut before entering Kelantan again to lodge at a seaside motel in Tok Bali.

I have made 2-3 articles showing pictures around here. So I might be repeating some scenes.

Then again I'm never bored of this place.

So here we go again... another round in Tok Bali, Kelantan.

This is the part of Tok Bali river near its estuary.

The bridge...

Walking towards the estuary where embankments have been built.

Everytime I go here I would try to spend some time to walk all the way to the end.

Oh. I don't remember seeing any tower in my previous visits here, the last should be in August 2009.

Ah. I was setting my mind to make a climb and savour a good view from a vantage point.

Only to realise the lower part of the ladders aren't accesible unless you have the special key...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Going around Muzium Negara, the National Museum

As usual I would make excursion/s whenever I have finished articles covering a day's activities in the currently running series on the East Coast trip made at the end of 2010. So here goes another...

The recent Monday I stopped by at the Muzium Negara, the National Museum.

I can't remember the last time I went here. But this time I was just passing as I watched the free exhibits around.

There was a special exhibition on Orang Asli, the Malaysian aboriginal people.

But like I said, I was just passing around.

Nice wooden door this is. I remembered there used to a stationary real airplane just a bit down hill from here. I can't seem to find it.

Once in a while its good to get excited on locomotive instead I guess... :]

Besut river near Jerteh

This article should actually be placed before A quick look at the town of Jerteh. But it is only later that I realised it should be made, after studying the relevant satellite pictures with Google Earth.

Just before entering the town of Jerteh from the north lies this bridge.

A check with Google Earth and I began to remember that it crosses the Besut river.

For the record this is the same river which you could see at the small town of Kuala (estuary of) Besut albeit much much wider. Look at the old article Views from the bridge at Kuala Besut. This is a view downriver.

A look back of the bridge towards the north.

And a look of Besut river upriver...