Thursday, June 23, 2011

A close look at the Ulu Selangor dam

Continued from Ulu Selangor dam information centre.

Actually before entering the information centre I went around outside.

This is the first time I had such a close look at this dam (I think I've seen 2-3 other dams up close before) and I was rather excited.

So excited that I ignored this signboard.

It's not like I wanted to dive or anything, just wanted to get a better perspective of the surroundings. A look to the right.

A look ahead.

A look to the left.

Turn anti-clockwise some more and you can see the actual dam and where the water passes out to rejoin the actual and original river, Sungai (river of) Selangor.

The information centre on the other hand lies on top a hill overlooking the reservoir.

After looking at what's inside, I went outside to check out the view in front of the centre.

A look to the right.

A look ahead.

A look to the left. That should do it.

Ulu Selangor dam information centre

Continued from Selangor river just after the Ulu Selangor dam.

Next we went to the dam and noticed there's an information centre opened to the public.

It is operated by Splash, the company in charge of running the dam providing water supply for the masses.

You can find plenty of information on the water supply network.

A look at the reservoir created by the dam...

There's even history on the closest town, Kuala Kubu Bahru. Click at the picture or open in another windows for a better look.

Another look at the reservoir.

Some more information.

You may have noticed the dam is referred as Sungai (river of) Selangor dam. But most people know it as Ulu Selangor dam as it is located at the Ulu (also spelt Hulu meaning the uppermost part) of the Selangor river.

A look at the reservoir from upstairs.

I must say this centre feels cosy enough like a studio bungalow of sorts. For the record this is the 808th article in this blogspot.

Selangor river just after the Ulu Selangor dam

OK. Let's move to excursions from the East Coast trip stories...

Saturday 11th June 2011, that's almost two weeks ago me and family attended a wedding at Kuala Kubu Bahru. Then I just felt like driving to the Ulu Selangor dam. Coming to a bridge I must stop. Here's a look behind.

The bridge is made in such a way that it looks continous as part of a highway. You wouldn't notice it is a bridge unless you really look out and has some knowledge of geography. I know the highway must cross the Selangor river at one point. Climbing up towards the main mountain range called Banjaran Titiwangsa it consists of mainly twist and turns. Around here however it extends straight for 200 metres or so and that's how I realise it must pass over a river. Besides I could see the dam building in the distance. But one needs to step out of the car to see the river.

A look down. The bridge must stand more than 50 feet above the river.

As usual I must also look at the other side.

Here's a look downriver...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Revisiting Kuala Besar

After the Friday prayers we visited a number of tombs starting with one close to the centre of the city of Kota Bahru followed by others north-eastwards towards the beach of Pantai Cahaya Bulan. At almost dusk we arrived at a place called Kuala Besar (literally the big estuary) which lies at the mouth of the Kelantan river. Going inside the compound of its fisheries complex, its time to enjoy the view of immense waters around.

One towards upriver.

A look across.

A look towards the river mouth.

Then I caught sight of this jetty.

Again a look upriver.

A look across. Notice how the waters are full to the brim threatening to flood the jetty.

A look to the mouth.