Friday, September 23, 2011

Muar river at Kuala Pilah

After Seri Menanti we went to Tanjung Ipoh and Talang before heading for Kuala Pilah where lies this bridge crossing the Muar river.

As far as I could remember I've only passed this bridge or any bridge in Kuala Pilah at night.

So this is the first time I got to properly see the Muar river around here. Here's a view towards downriver.

And here's one upriver.

Royal museum of Seri Menanti, Negeri Sembilan revisited

OK. Just now I have spent quite some time cooking a new article on the royal museum of Seri Menanti for the blogspot SENI LAMA MELAYU (MALAY OLDEN ART) only to find later I have already did one on it 3 years ago. So let me just transfer the contents which is bilingual here ya...


Selepas solat Jumaat kami pergi ke muzium diraja.
After the Friday (compulsory congregational) prayers we went to the royal museum.

Ia asalnya adalah istana utama bagi kerabat diraja Negeri Sembilan.
It was originally the main palace for the Negeri Sembilan royalty.

Pada halaman tepi ada replika batu.
At the side lawn there are stone replicas.

Maklumat tentang replika.
Information on the replicas.

Sekarang baru kita masuk ke dalam.
Now only do we enter.

Naik tangga utama terus kelihatan ruang ini.
Going up the main staircase and immediately this space came to view.

Saya lebih tertarik pada singgahsana lama yang terdapat di satu sayap.
I was more attracted to the old throne available at one wing.

Sebenarnya tidak dibenarkan mengambil gambar di sini apalagi kebanyakan barangan yang ditunjukkan adalah milik kerabat diraja. Maka terus sahaja naik tangga ke atas.
Actually it is not allowed to take pictures here what more most of the things on display belong to the royal family. Thus let us just go up the stairs.

Kemudian naik tangga yang lebih curam.
Then go up a steeper staircase.

Di tingkat 4 iaitu yang teratas ada sebuah bilik kosong. Untuk pemandangan ke luar lihat artikel The small town of Seri Menanti from the royal museum di blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH.
On the 4th floor which is the highest is an empty room. For views towards outside look at the article The small town of Seri Menanti from the royal museum in the blogspot BERPETUALANG KE ACEH.

The small town of Seri Menanti from the royal museum

After conducting the Jumaat (compulsory congregational) prayers at the main mosque of Seri Menanti me and family went to the royal museum which was once a palace.

OK. I don't remember where I exactly I was when this picture was taken but this should be a view from the first floor. For the record, except for certain parts like the roof (obviously) the museum is made totally from wood without having to hammer a single nail at any of its four floors above ground.

This should be from the 3rd floor.

Moving on to the 4th or top floor, a view to the right...

A view ahead...
And a view to the left.

From Kajang to Seri Menanti by LEKAS highway

Peace be upon you all. On to some travelling did last weekend starting Friday 16th September 2011.

Noon, after spending the night at a family house in Kajang, me, wife and our 23-month old son Al-Rasyid took the LEKAS highway accesible just behind the house or so.

While we have taken this highway many times to move to the south and back, most of the time it was at night.

And as far as I could remember I've never went further than Seremban (on the southward or rather south then eastern route) in bright day light.

So this journey made on Friday is a first as I could see how the highway rise and cuts through some highland area towards Seremban before veering east towards Peninsular Malaysia's main mountain range, the Banjaran Titiwangsa.

By the way the highway extends to a route towards Kuala Pilah. I wanted to get to Seri Menanti first and it is on the same route. As I reached the junction that separates the sub-urbs of Seremban from the part of the highway to Kuala Pilah it started to rain.

Now, this is a part which I really really wanted to see in daylight as it cuts through the main mountain range.

See the pointed hill in the picture? Before, everyone must take the twisting and winding road climbing up the hill before going down to get to the eastern parts of the state of Negeri Sembilan from its capital Seremban.

Now with the highway present the road is much straighter although still veering at parts as it cuts through the heights of the range. Shown here is where the highway rejoins the old part of the eastward route, a small distance after going down the hill mentioned on the previous paragraph.