Thursday, January 05, 2012

Walking at the market area of Pengkalan Brandan

Returning to the Medan-Banda Aceh trip of November 2-13th, 2011. Continuing from Aidil Adha eve at the famed Al-Mashun mosque of Medan.

The trip then took us to Pengkalan Brandan, a town 75 km away north-west of Medan.

After having a good rest at the local rest house we decided to take a walk around town.

It was Wednesday 9th November 2011.

I wanted to show the wife the route I've taken once in this town more than 7 years ago as I walked following my heart without knowing where I was headed to. A look to the right as I crossed a small bridge.

A look ahead.

A look to the left. Pengkalan Brandan is predominantly a Muslim town but here you can still see two churces in the background.

Making a right turn further ahead we soon came into the market area.

Not far from here is an area which I consider as among the most interesting in town.

What area is that? I would continue in the next article. Meanwhile just have a look at this less busy part of the market area ya... :]

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