Thursday, March 01, 2012

Langat river near the old town Bandar near Jugra

Continued from The southern estuary of the Langat river.

We then headed towards a place called Bandar near Jugra. It used to be the royal town of Selangor. Oh. By we, I meant me, wife and our son. There we took a small road till its end.

Ahead lies a part of the Langat river.

Looking upstream one could see what looks like a factory or a warehouse.

The waters in front of it is unique as it is where the Langat river starts to split to form two estuaries. Refer to the article The place where the Langat river splits towards two estuaries.

Across is the island of Carey which splits the river.

I can't however get a clear shot of the parts downstream due to the growth blocking.

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