Saturday, March 03, 2012

The widest part of the Muar river estuary and horseshoe crabs

This should be a continuation of Views from the mosque of Bukit Treh.

The following day I went to this part of Muar facing the Straits of Melaka.

It is situated at the estuary of the Muar river. About half a year ago I made an article called Muar river at its mouth. Well this part is situated some 250 metres more downstream.

Go 700 metres further southwest and there's a platform which goes through a mangrove swamp.

Here, the Muar river is close to its widest and we are at the southern bank.

Then I saw horseshoe crabs left idle by an angler.

For the record the muddy parts of the Muar river estuary used to be quite famous for its population of this creatures.

But it has been years since I saw some so fresh. One even had a bunch of eggs underneath. Note, the horseshoes crabs are laid on its back so it could not run away. Talk about being laid back huh? :]

Back to this part of the estuary.

The mangrove swamp is a tourist attraction and it was high tide.

See the land across. Directly at the centre should be the northern edge of the estuary.

A look around as I turned slowly anti-clockwise...

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