Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bringing the baby to the megaliths at Pengkalan Kempas

Continued from Linggi river near the small town of Linggi.

From the town of Linggi it is not far to Pengkalan Kempas where lies a certain mysterious place.

The place houses a number of enigmatic stones placed in certain formations.

The one you see behind situated like a platform with stone chairs is said to be the tomb of a Muslim preacher who lived more than 500 years ago. But what about the other stones with some having symbols?

What about these megaliths which looks like it has been artfully carved. What does it signify?

Indeed this place is mysterious and enigmatic.

I have been here a number of times. If memory serves me right I have brought my two and a half-year old son Muhammad Al-Aminul Rasyid here when he was still a baby.

So it is only fair that I brought my other son, Muhammad Alauddin Johan who was barely two months old then. Like in the case of Rasyid I like to iniate Johan too into the mysteries of this place as a preparation for him to walk into my footsteps. Like father like sons huh? :]

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