Friday, June 08, 2012

Ferry from Madura to Surabaya

So we have seen Ampel in the morning. Then we visited the tomb of Sunan Ampel. Later our driver picked us up at the hotel and brought us to the nearby island of Madura. After visiting a number of places there we decided to head back to mainland Jawa by ferry.

The ferry would brought us back to the port off the city of Surabaya where Ampel is located at.

That's our car (hired) fitting tightly besides a bus.

Looking back that's the jetty we embarked from.

For a better look around let's go to the upper level.

The pedestarian area.

Looking out from the upper level one could see plenty of ships.

Across lies the port off Surabaya, the busiest port in eastern Indonesia.

Turning and turning anti-clockwise.

Zooming in. That's the bridge we used to get from Surabaya to Madura.

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