Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Looking for the tomb of a Hassani Sheikh in Kebumen

On to the 12th day of Jawa island trip.

Saturday 12th May 2012, after spending the night at a local's place in Kebumen we where brought to a certain Muslim cemetery.

Our host and his wife wanted to show us the tomb of the major saint of Kebumen, a person named Sheikh Abdul Qahfi Al-Hassani, a religious master descended from Saidina Hassan, the eldest grandchild of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

However he himself is not sure which one is the tomb.

There were no signboards to show things clearly and thus we have to go around looking.

They brought us till the other end of the cemetery. There lies two prominent tomb buildings.

Checking this out first...

Nope. Can't tell.

Then we checked out this one...

1934? Don't look like it as the tomb we're looking belong to someone who came here hundreds of years ago.

These tombs looked ancient enough to fit the bill. But later we came across a local who showed that the first tomb we came across is the one we're looking for, the tomb seen in the first and second picture of this article.

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