Tuesday, September 04, 2012

A misty after rain look at the Bharat plantations

The nice weather I have enjoyed since leaving Raub soon gave way to heavy rain. Due to the lack (or rather, non-existence) of shelters along the way I had to push on till I reached a petrol station in Ringlet, the first proper town in Cameron Highlands along the way. After the rain had subsided only did I continue heading for the bigger town of Tanah Rata. On the way lies a tea plantation that is hard to miss.

It is must stop for many.

The tea shop here provides the ideal rest...

From here you get some of the best views in Cameron Highlands.

If not for the fact that I was doing the obligatory Ramadhan fasting I would definitely have a cuppa.

Still it's so serene to just enjoy the misty after rain view. For the record this is the 1,000th article in this blogspot. :]

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