Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The road up Mount Brinchang

For my next destination I took a junction about 4 km after the town of Brinchang and entered a small winding road.

The road passes through a tea plantation.

It leads to the summit of a mountain from which Brinchang town got its name.

The road then got much narrower, just enough for one car to pass through.

I understand its total length from the junction is 7 km. But all the twisting and turning climbing up the mountain made the trip up seems much further. At this point I decided to rest my bike. There's a junction leading elsewhere...

You see my bike is air-cooled. It means the engines need to have a fair amount of moving or rather speeding air to cool it down. I can't ride fast up the mountain road and that made the engine heat up fast. Resting the bike I decided to take a walk down this road.

It leads to a vegetable plantation area.

When I felt the bike has had enough rest the trip up the mountain was continued. Just about a kilometre after this sign which is about a km before the summit I found a very interesting place. Look in the next article...

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