Thursday, October 25, 2012

Going up Bukit Panau

Some 5-6 km from Danau Tok Uban lies a hill called Bukit Panau.

I've climbed it once by foot a number of years ago. Now I'm going to do it again along with a friend using big bikes.

Soon I realised what a hard undertaking it is. The road was not only very steep but rough and broken at many parts.

We had to push ourselves and the bikes on low gear all the time. What a relief when we finally arrived at the end of the steep and winding road.

Parking our bikes we started walking following an existing path.

The path leads up to the summit.

Our check using an altitude device shows the summit of Bukit Panau is close to 800 feet high from sea level. So you can get some nice views including that of the Kelantan river.

Now a look towards the lake called Danau Tok Uban.

Zooming in. There. The lake should be obvious for all.

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