Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pengkalan Gawi... again

Continued from Lake Kenyir at Sungai Lawit.

Next came the most well-known part of Lake Kenyir, at an area called Pengkalan Gawi.

It is so well-known that when most people say they went to Lake Kenyir, they are actually referring to this part.

Pengkalan Gawi simply means the base of Gawi and for most people especially tourists and anglers, this is the starting point to explore the vast lake.

Do notice how much the water level has dropped.

For the record this is the first part of Lake Kenyir I have ever visited starting in 1997 or so.

Since then I have visited Pengkalan Gawi 2-3 times excluding this visit. That should explain the title "Pengkalan Gawi... again".

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