Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Terengganu river at Jenagor

Going 2-3 kilometres downriver or so we arrived at this jetty.

The area is called Jenagor.

The jetty is used to get to get to a certain settlement upriver.

A look down the Terengganu river.

Here's a view from the boat as we go against the flow to reach the said settlement.

Soon you can see the Batu Belah, a split stone said to have made that way after a bare-handed chop by a saintly person.

And afterwards you can see the settlement.


  1. Mcm pernah tengok je tmpat ni....tp x pernah tgok si penulis..??

  2. baru aje balik dari kpg jenagor ini...mmg best dan sesuai untuk sesiapa yang berhajat untuk beramal
