Thursday, October 25, 2012

The new 'island' in the middle of Kelantan river mouth

On to the 3rd day of the 27th Sept-1st Oct East Coast big bike trip.

Sunday 30th September 2012. After spending the night at a friend's house near PCB (the beach called Pantai Cahaya Bulan) we headed for this sandy area.

It is close to the mouth of the Kelantan river. 

I wanted to have a good look at an 'island' we saw from another part of the river.

Looking to right I studied the sand hill in view.

I remembered how in a trip made over a year ago, I walked from the hill down to the sand bar seen to the left.

The sand bar extended like a peninsular on to the 'island'.

It's just part of the bar has dissolved or been cleared to let water pass through leaving its end to become an island. Compare it to pictures in the old article The sand hill and peninsular at Kelantan river mouth.

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