Monday, November 19, 2012

The wife and kids first visit to the so-called foot-print of Hang Tuah and the tomb behind

To get to the said places we must walked down a smaller path.

We have to walk through some virgin jungle. By then Johan was already asleep.

We passed besides a well said to have been built by Dutch colonialists centuries ago.

The path leads to the coastline where our next phase of adventure would start.

Zoom in. There's an island we'd like to step our foot on.

But before that we want to check out this pile of stones.

For on top of it lies what is believed to be the footprint left by the legendary Malay warrior Hang Tuah more than 500 years ago.

Behind lies these steps.

It leads to a tomb said by some to belong to the founder of the kingdom of Melaka.

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