Monday, November 19, 2012

Views from the peaks of the 'Mosque' island

Continued from The 'Mosque' island.

The pile of stones we climbed is actually a peak area of the island.

From up here we can have a good look at the surroundings.

However I was not satisfied as I could see two higher peaks around.

Going down for perspective.

There's this peak at the centre.

There's the highest peak a bit further.

It was harder to climb. So I decided to go up alone. Here's a look behind.

A look ahead at the actual peak.

A look from it.

A look towards the east.

A look down.

And more looks at the surroundings...

Zooming in towards another special place. Look at the article The wife and kids first visit to the so-called foot-print of Hang Tuah and the tomb behind.

A look down again.

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